tisdag 16 mars 2010

Sol och salem

I was aiming for the sky, ended up flat on the ground
But once again the sun is rising, I better keep on walking
Keep on walking

I have a long road ahead of me
It’s cloudy and dark ahead of me
Will I ever get through to the end?
Been down this sling so many times before
And I told myself I would do it no more
Now I’m back on the same road again

I was aiming for the sky, ended up flat on the ground
But once again the sun is rising, I better keep on walking
Keep on walking

I was aiming for the sky, ended up flat on the ground
But once again the sun is rising, I better keep on walking
Keep on walking

There’s some twists and turns I’ve gotta clear
But when I’m done the end will soon appear
I can leave my troubles behind

I was aiming for the sky, ended up flat on the ground
But once again the sun is rising, I better keep on walking
Keep on walking

I was aiming for the sky, ended up flat on the ground
But once again the sun is rising, I better keep on walking
Keep on walking

I never stopped believing
I know what I should do, just let the light guide me through

I was aiming for the sky, ended up flat on the ground
But once again the sun is rising, I better keep on walking
Keep on walking

I was aiming for the sky, ended up flat on the ground
But once again the sun is rising, I better keep on walking
Keep on walking

Salems fina låt från lördagens final. Ja nu stiger solen igen och jag har en härlig fladdrande glad känsla i magen! Vårkänslor blandat med något jag inte riktig kan sätta ord på. En lite bubblande känsla.

Idag är en fin dag och jag är förväntansfull och full av förhoppningar! Att det är en pluggdag kan vi ju bortse från, iallafall i en timme till;)

Nu ska jag steka lite köttbullar till dagens matlåda och sen bege mig ut en härlig morgonrunda i sooolen!


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